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Equilibrium Positions in a Gravitational Field Generated by an Elongated Asteroid with Density of Order 4

Received: 26 November 2024     Accepted: 10 December 2024     Published: 7 January 2025
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Calculating the gravitational potential generated by non-spherical mass distributions is an old problem that has been tackled by astronomical researchers. The majority of small celestial objects have an elongated shape with a non-uniform mass distribution. Early work in this field modelled these elongated bodies as segments with a uniform mass distribution. In a previous work, we established the analytical form of the potential generated by an asteroid modelled by a linear and inhomogeneous repair whose mass density is a polynomial of order four. We have studied the dynamic behavior of a test particle in the vicinity of this asteroid, which is assumed to be at rest, and have extracted periodic orbits under certain conditions. Every celestial object has an angular momentum due to its own rotation. This result in competition between gravitational attraction and centrifugal repulsion in the synodic reference frame linked to the object. This led us to focus our research on the existence of relative equilibrium positions. We calculated the Jacobi integral analytically and used the zero velocity curves numerically to extract four equilibrium positions, two isosceles and two equilateral.

Published in American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Volume 12, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaa.20251201.11
Page(s) 1-8
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Equilibrium, Integral Jacobi, Zero Speed, Synodic

1. Introduction
Numerous studies have been carried out into the modelling of irregular bodies and the determination of the gravitational potential they generate. This approach makes it possible to analyse the equilibrium and stability of particles in the vicinity of these bodies, which is of crucial importance in the context of space missions aimed at exploring the small bodies of the solar system. Among these irregular celestial bodies, the asteroid belt offers a particularly rich field of study. These asteroids include elongated objects, and several attempts have been made to model these structures using linear mass distributions. Attempts have been made to calculate the potential generated by various geometric shapes. Werner and Scheeres treated the case of a polyhedron for asteroid 4769 Castalia . The case of two intersecting segments, ellipsoids and point shapes were used by Bartczak and Breiter in and Bartczak et al to model elongated shapes. Najid N, Zegoumou M, El ourabi E modelled one of Saturn’s rings by an anisotropic circular ring. Riaguas A, Elipe A and Lara M calculated the potential generated by a homogeneous segment . Elipe A and Lara M studied the dynamics in the vicinity of the asteroid Eros-433 using the results of . Ellipe and Lara described the motion around asteroid 433 Eros using the same homogeneous model. Our team Najid et al proposed for the first time a new inhomogeneous parabolic density model of a static elongated body and we established the closed and analytical formula of the potential generated by this body. Following Najid and El ourabi , we focused on the dynamic case of the parabolic profile, concentrating on equilibrium positions and their stabilities. The effect of a higher order on the dynamic orbits was carried out by El ourabi and Bennai , treating the case of a polynomial profile mass density of order 4 in the static case. Our work consists of treating the case where the linear mass distribution whose generalized profile is rotating around the axis of greatest moment of inertia. First, we establish the dynamic equations, in the synodic reference frame, of a test particle gravitating in the vicinity of the elongated body. In the second part we establish the algebraic equations giving the equilibrium positions in the synodic reference frame. In the last part, we carry out the energy study by calculating the Jacobi first integral, which we solve numerically using the zero velocity curves to show the existence of four equilibrium positions.
2. Dynamical Study
2.1. Potential Gravitational
The elongated body, of mass M and length 2l, is modelled by a segment centred at O, Figure 1 and Figure 2 Non-homogeneity is characterised by the density:
The mass of the body is:
Figure 1. Study coordinates (ρ,θ,x).
Figure 2. Coordinates r1 and r2.
The analytical expression of the gravitational potential is given in :
with G the Cavendish constant. The coefficients (zi)i=1..4 depend on the position of the point P, their expressions are:
s, B and C are functions of the position of point P, they are given by:
s=r1+r2,  r1=(x+l)2+y2+z2,  r2=(x-l)2+y2+z2
B=r22-r12-4l24l2   ;     C=r124l2
a0, a1, a2, a3 and a4 are the constants given by:
a0=b-al2+cl4,  a1=4l2a-cl2,  a2=4l25cl2-a,  a3=-32cl4,  a4=16cl4
2.2. Equations of Motion
The speed of rotation of the body relative to (OZ) is denoted by ω and the test particle is placed at point P as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Synodical reference.
The dynamic equation in the synodic reference frame R is:
By injecting expression (2) into equation (3) and projecting into the synodic reference frame we obtain:
The effective potential W is given by the contribution of the gravitational potential and the centrifugal potential:
The equations (4, 5, 6) give:
With Wx=Wx. Wy=Wy, and Wz=Wz Their expressions are:
Wx=-G23a3-5548d2-s24lpC3/2+3x+l4l2C1/2B    +r12ld2-s24lp10564a4B2-54a3B+34a2    +z2x+l2r1l    +r22l-9964a4B2+23596a4+58a3B-512a3+724a4+34a2d2-s24lp    -5548a4d2-s24lpC+x+l2l2B-34a4+23a3x+l2l2    +x-l2lr2z3    +3532a4B3-1516a3B2+34a2B-a12d2-s24lp    -15162BCd2-s24lp+B2x+l2l2    +34Bx+l2l2+Cd2-s24lp    +34a4C-a22x+l2l2]lns+2ls-2l    -4l(sx-ld)ps2-4l2z4-ω2x(10)
Wy=-G2a33-55a4483y4l2BC1/2+z2y2lr1+r22l-55a4yB96l2-3a48+2a33y2l2    +yz32lr2+-15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22y2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4yslz4ps2-4l2-ω2y(11)
Wz=-G2a33-55a4483zBC1/24l2+zz22lr1+r22l-55a4zB96l2-3a48+2a33z2l2    +15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22z2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4zslz4ps2-4l2(12)
The dynamic equations become:
ẍ-2ωẏ=G23a3-5548d2-s24lpC3/2+3x+l4l2C1/2B    +r12ld2-s24lp10564a4B2-54a3B+34a2    +z2x+l2r1l    +r22l-99a4B264+235a496+5a38B    -5a312+7a424+3a24d2-s24lp-55a448d2-s24lpC+x+l2l2B    -3a44+2a33x+l2l2+x-l2lr2z3    +35a432B3-15a316B2+3a24B-a12d2-s24lp    -15a4162BCd2-s24lp+B2x+l2l2    +34Bx+l2l2+Cd2-s24lp    +3a48C-a22x+ls-2lLns+2ls-2l    -4l(sx-ld)ps2-4l2z4-ω2x(13)
ÿ+2ωẋ=G2a33-55a4483y4l2BC1/2+z2y2lr1+r22l-55a4yB96l2-3a48+2a33y2l2    +yz32lr2+-15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22y2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4yslz4ps2-4l2-ω2y(14)
z̈=G2a33-55a4483zBC1/24l2+zz22lr1+r22l-55a4zB96l2-3a48+2a33z2l2    +15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22z2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4zslz4ps2-4l2(15)
3. The Equilibria
3.1. Equations of Equilibria
From expressions (13), (14) and (15) we derive the equations for the equilibrium positions:
G23a3-5548d2-s24lpC3/2+3x+l4l2C1/2B    +r12ld2-s24lp10564a4B2-54a3B+34a2    +z2x+l2r1l    +r22l-99a4B264+235a496+5a38B    -5a312+7a424+3a24d2-s24lp-55a448d2-s24lpC+x+l2l2B    -3a44+2a33x+l2l2+x-l2lr2z3    +35a432B3-15a316B2+3a24B-a12d2-s24lp    -15a4162BCd2-s24lp+B2x+l2l2    +34Bx+l2l2+Cd2-s24lp    +3a48C-a22x+ls-2lLns+2ls-2l    -4l(sx-ld)ps2-4l2z4-ω2x=0(16)
G2a33-55a4483y4l2BC1/2+z2y2lr1+r22l-55a4yB96l2-3a48+2a33y2l2    +yz32lr2+-15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22y2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4yslz4ps2-4l2-ω2y=0(17)
G2a33-55a4483zBC1/24l2+zz22lr1+r22l-55a4zB96l2-3a48+2a33z2l2    +15a4B216+3B4+3a4C4-a22z2l2lns+2ls-2l    -4zslz4ps2-4l2=0(18)
Equation (18) shows that the equilibrium positions are contained in the (x,y) plane.
3.2. Zero Velocity Curves
The zero-velocity curves show lines separating the zones permitted and those prohibited by the test particle. See more details in .
The dynamic system defined by equations (7), (8) and (9) has a first integral characterized by the Jacobi constant CJ related to the energy of the system. This first integral is described by:
For well-defined initial conditions, the orbit of the test particle must lie inside the curve of equation 2W(x, y, z) ≤ C. The zero velocity surface is expressed by the relation C = 2W(x,y,z). In this case the contour delimiting the permitted zones from the forbidden zones is given by the equation
Figures 4, 5 and 6 show a numerical resolution of the zero velocity curves for different values of the Jacobi constant.
The curves in (Figure 4):
1) (Figure 4-a) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 0.8 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
Figure 4. Zero velocity curves.
2) (Figure 4-b) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 1 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
3) (Figure 4-c) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 1.2 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
4) (Figure 4-d) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.05, w = 0.8 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
Figure 5. Zero velocity curves.
The curves in (Figure 5):
1) (Figure 5-a) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 0.8 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
2) (Figure 5-b) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.02, w = 0.8 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
3) (Figure 5-c) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 1.4 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
Figure 6. Zero velocity curves.
4) (Figure 5-d) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.05, w = 2 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
The curves in (Figure 6):
1) (Figure 6-a) is plotted for l = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.01, w = 2 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
2) (Figure 6-b) is plotted forl = 0.5, a = 0.1, b = 1, c = 0.02, w = 2.5 and for the values of the Jacobi constant:
−1.26,−1.27,−1.28,−1.29,−1.4,−1.45,−1.46,−1.47,−1.48 −1.49,−1.5,−1.6,−1.7,−1.8,−1.9,−2,−2.5,−3,−3.5,−3.6,−3.8,−4
Figure 7. Equilibrium positions.
The zero velocity curves show that there are four equilibrium positions, (Figure 7):
Colinear positions E1 et E2.
Isosceles positions: E3 et E4.
4. Conclusion
The study we have developed models the behavior of a low-mass space probe orbiting in the gravitational field generated by an elongated asteroid, which has been modelled by an inhomogeneous linear distribution in rotation. The mass profile of the asteroid is characterized by a symmetric fourth-order polynomial density. We have established the dynamical equations of motion in the synodic reference frame associated with the irregular body, as well as those for the relative equilibrium positions. The numerical resolution of the zero-velocity curves has enabled us to find four symmetrical equilibrium positions, two of which are collinear with the segment and two of which lie on the axis orthogonal to the segment and passing through its centre. Locating the equilibrium positions saves energy and costs for space missions to explore irregular celestial bodies such as NEAR Shoemaker and ROSETTA, which have been carried out by space agencies such as ESA and NASA and . Our future plans include exploring the case of more detailed mass distributions, namely volume distributions.


Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Ourabi, E. H. E., Bennai, M. (2025). Equilibrium Positions in a Gravitational Field Generated by an Elongated Asteroid with Density of Order 4. American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 12(1), 1-8.

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    ACS Style

    Ourabi, E. H. E.; Bennai, M. Equilibrium Positions in a Gravitational Field Generated by an Elongated Asteroid with Density of Order 4. Am. J. Astron. Astrophys. 2025, 12(1), 1-8. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20251201.11

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    AMA Style

    Ourabi EHE, Bennai M. Equilibrium Positions in a Gravitational Field Generated by an Elongated Asteroid with Density of Order 4. Am J Astron Astrophys. 2025;12(1):1-8. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20251201.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaa.20251201.11,
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      abstract = {Calculating the gravitational potential generated by non-spherical mass distributions is an old problem that has been tackled by astronomical researchers. The majority of small celestial objects have an elongated shape with a non-uniform mass distribution. Early work in this field modelled these elongated bodies as segments with a uniform mass distribution. In a previous work, we established the analytical form of the potential generated by an asteroid modelled by a linear and inhomogeneous repair whose mass density is a polynomial of order four. We have studied the dynamic behavior of a test particle in the vicinity of this asteroid, which is assumed to be at rest, and have extracted periodic orbits under certain conditions. Every celestial object has an angular momentum due to its own rotation. This result in competition between gravitational attraction and centrifugal repulsion in the synodic reference frame linked to the object. This led us to focus our research on the existence of relative equilibrium positions. We calculated the Jacobi integral analytically and used the zero velocity curves numerically to extract four equilibrium positions, two isosceles and two equilateral.
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    T1  - Equilibrium Positions in a Gravitational Field Generated by an Elongated Asteroid with Density of Order 4
    AU  - El Haj El Ourabi
    AU  - Mohammed Bennai
    Y1  - 2025/01/07
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    AB  - Calculating the gravitational potential generated by non-spherical mass distributions is an old problem that has been tackled by astronomical researchers. The majority of small celestial objects have an elongated shape with a non-uniform mass distribution. Early work in this field modelled these elongated bodies as segments with a uniform mass distribution. In a previous work, we established the analytical form of the potential generated by an asteroid modelled by a linear and inhomogeneous repair whose mass density is a polynomial of order four. We have studied the dynamic behavior of a test particle in the vicinity of this asteroid, which is assumed to be at rest, and have extracted periodic orbits under certain conditions. Every celestial object has an angular momentum due to its own rotation. This result in competition between gravitational attraction and centrifugal repulsion in the synodic reference frame linked to the object. This led us to focus our research on the existence of relative equilibrium positions. We calculated the Jacobi integral analytically and used the zero velocity curves numerically to extract four equilibrium positions, two isosceles and two equilateral.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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