Application of New Formulas for the Spiral Arm Formation to Selected Galaxies with Special Patterns
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2020
20 August 2020
31 August 2020
16 September 2020
Abstract: Seven special galaxies with very unusual spiral patterns are precisely simulated and studied by recently proposed ROTASE hypothesis with derived mathematical formulas for the spiral arm formation of the galaxies, fully match the prediction of the model. MCG+00-04-051 shows the broken connection of the spiral arms with the ends of the galactic bar, such broken connection is due to the termination of the X-matter emission by the emission-active black hole located at the center of the galaxy. The weak but still visible arm section in the image clearly proves that the disconnected arms do not rotate ahead of the closest bar ends, they actually rotate behind of the other ends of the bar from which they were generated. The galaxy NGC 4548 has apparent broken connection of spiral arms with bar ends in a low-quality image, such broken connection gives false impression that the arms rotate ahead of the galactic bar ends. However, weak and visible arm in the better-quality image clearly proves that the arms rotate behind the bar ends, same as galaxy MCG+00-04-051. ESO325-28 shows a perfect spiral ring pattern. The galaxy NGC 7098 is made of two identical rings, each ring is made of a half inner ring and a half outer ring, the two rings cross each other twice with chain-link style, this is due to the X-matter emission behavior change with time following Gaussian formula. UGC12646 shows the same pattern as NGC 7098 with two rings crossing each other twice with chain-link style. The pattern image of UGC12646 clearly demonstrates that quality of the spiral arms decreases with their age only, not with their distance to the ends of the bar. NGC 1079 shows the most amazing artwork-like double ring pattern, each spiral arm has three arm crossings: it crosses other arm twice and crosses itself once. Galaxy SDSS J015701.50-001644.4 shows a unique two-spiral arm structure, each arm structure is made of a half inner ring and a whole outer ring; the two outer rings cross each other with chain-link style. The result also shows that the galaxy NGC 4548 has incomplete or destroyed double ring pattern. The possible formation and evolution sequence of the Hoag’s object is illustrated with images of real galaxies. Pitch angles of spiral arms can be easily calculated after successful simulation of spiral patterns. The new formulas will be a new member of mathematical spiral equation family and have potential applications in architectures, industrious designs, artwork creations and descriptions of natural objects.
Abstract: Seven special galaxies with very unusual spiral patterns are precisely simulated and studied by recently proposed ROTASE hypothesis with derived mathematical formulas for the spiral arm formation of the galaxies, fully match the prediction of the model. MCG+00-04-051 shows the broken connection of the spiral arms with the ends of the galactic bar, ...
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Formation and Change of Planetary Magnetic Field
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2020
26 August 2020
14 September 2020
25 September 2020
Abstract: The influential theories about the origin of planetary magnetic field hold that the planetary magnetic field is produced by the flow of conductive fluid in the core. But these hypotheses have serious defects, unable to explain the inhomogeneity of the spatial distribution of planetary magnetic field and its changing characteristics with time. Thus, the author analyzed the formation and evolution of solar system planets as well as their internal structures and external environments, and has found the formation mechanism and change law of various planetary magnetic fields. The polar vortices at Earth’s North and South Poles can produce spiral currents, which then form a magnetic dipole at Earth’s North and South Poles respectively. Mercury is about 70% metal and 30% silicate, so it has been magnetized by the Sun's magnetic field. Venus’ rotation speed is too slow to form polar vortices needed to produce dipole magnetic field, and Venus is far away from the Sun, causing the solar magnetic field has little effect on the magnetization of Venus, so Venus’ magnetic field is extremely weak. During the first 500 million to1 billion years of Mars formation, polar vortices existed for a long time. The dipole magnetic field produced by the polar vortices has a long-term magnetization effect on the Mars' surface, therefore a magnetized crust on the surface of Mars has been formed. But with the heat inside the Mars accumulated to a certain extent, a large part of Mars Polar ice sheet melt into water. The melting of the Martian polar ice sheet greatly weakened the polar vortex and therefore the magnetic field. Especially, in the northern part of Mars, there are large-scale lava activities in the lowlands or volcanic areas, the ice sheet melted a lot there, therefore no polar vortex could be formed, causing the dipolar field disappeared. During Jupiter's rapid rotation, a series of strong polar vortices are produced at the poles of Jupiter. These vortices contain a series of strong spiral currents, which can form a series of strong dipole magnetic fields. The superposition of these dipole magnetic fields form the original magnetic field of Jupiter. But some of Jupiter's massive moons can induce some sub cyclones from the Jupiter's vortices, these sub cyclones form powerful cyclones by absorbing dense clouds and generate some new magnetic fields, which are superimposed on the original magnetic field to form more complex magnetic field of Jupiter.
Abstract: The influential theories about the origin of planetary magnetic field hold that the planetary magnetic field is produced by the flow of conductive fluid in the core. But these hypotheses have serious defects, unable to explain the inhomogeneity of the spatial distribution of planetary magnetic field and its changing characteristics with time. Thus,...
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